I think what people call "manifesting" is just age old "attitude", "intention" and "being open to opportunities". Framing or reframing is important ie don't compare up, compare down. All of this is helpful for me. The words change but its all the same stuff - I try not to be too judgemental although that is hard! I am also a 'middle aged (actually only if I live to be 110), creative mother who is the victim of redundancy, patriarchy, infidelity and all the other @ing 'y's. But I reframe as 'thank god I have brilliant friends who I have invested in over the years, was born in 1969 so I got to have ALL the fun, have really good values, and hurrah I am not dead yet.' I manifest "I will find creative work", "I will not feel ashamed of being alive and in my 50s", "I will do stuff I find fulfilling", "I am still me" AND "I will somehow pay the bills because I have to." That is my intention. Thanks for your words because I love all of your posts and literally ALL of them resonate with me.

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Fingers crossed for getting your friendship back! Maybe you should really just call her? There is a high chance she misses you too.

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